Friday, September 24, 2010

Be Positive

Our lives this time of year pretty much consists of..., football and more football.

All that football is all right with me, because I love the sport!  We've got Junior High ball on Thursday nights, Varsity ball on Fridays and Flag on Saturdays.  When we are at home our tv is tuned in to football.  If there is a game on - college or pro - we've got that channel on.  I find myself saying and thinking things that most girly girls wouldn't say like, "Oh My Gosh, you could see the slobber sling from his jaws after that hit - Dang good hit."  When it comes to watching the kiddos play football, Terry and I always make sure to yell and cheer them on.  There are lots of "Good Hit", "Let's go D", "C'Mon Blue", "G'Job Hornets" coming from the sidelines.  It's always praise for all the kids playing.  When the game is over, we make sure to slap each of the boys on the shoulder pad and tell them, "Good Game."

Last night, we traveled to Evant to watch the Junior High Hornets and Colby play.  There was already a 7th grade game taking place between Evant and Lingleville, and we arrived early enough to watch the second half of that game.  Even though Lingleville was puttin it to the Evant Elks there was a dad on the sideline yelling at the Lingleville 7th graders on the field.  His angry comments were, "Get out there and knock someone out, you're playing like a girl."  He yelled at the football boys, in a disapointed fashion several times - they were even winning the ball game. 

I thought about the man's statement "You're playing like a girl" and how wrong it is for him to criticize the young players like that.  A person/parent shouldn't put their kids down like that.  I felt bad for the boy out there on the field giving it his best.  I mean, if his dad will holler such stuff in public for all the fans to hear, what does he do to the poor kid at home in private.

I chewed on those thoughts for a little while and then another came to mind.  How dare him say that boy is playing like a girl.  I take offense to that.  I found myself picturing a team of football players - all girls - suited up in pads and helmets, standing on the 40 yard line, ready to attack.  The other team...the man who was standing on the sideline criticizing the boys playing quarterback.  The center snaps the ball, the pompous man takes the snap, stands up tall, looking downfield for a pass.  BAM - he is laid out by the group of girls playing some defense!  Woop!!!  Play like a girl huh?! 

Once the Lingleville/Evant game was over, the JH Hornets took the field, played the Evant 8th Graders and walked away with a W!  50-28.  Good job Blue!

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.

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