Thursday, October 28, 2010


The end of October is near...
...But let awareness stick around all year.

I ran barefoot down a stone-covered dirt road carrying my scared boys on my hips.  Desperate screams of help shattered the still night.   In front of me, the road disapeared into the darkness.  Behind me, a man carrying a shot-gun.  The closest house was a mile away and vacant.  I prayed someone would hear my screams.   Blood and tears soaked my face.  I tried to convince myself and my terrified boys we would get away, but I couldn't run fast enough.  With every pounding step I took, the gap between the boys and I and the man chasing us got shorter.  Questions raced through my mind, "Will the boys be okay?", "Will I be shot in front of them?", and ultimately, "Am I going to die today?" 

I survived that terrifying night and many more like it, before I took a stand and walked away.  As the years pass only a few scars and memories remain.  I have rebuilt self-esteem and restored my strength.  I have provided the boys with safety.  We are Survivors. 

During the month of October, I have seen purple ribbons tied around the trees on the courthouse lawn, and a large sign that reads, "October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month".  The end of the month is fast approaching, so don't let the awareness be packed away like the ribbons on the trees.  Domestic Violence just doesn't occur in October it occurs every day of every month.  Reach out to someone who needs a hand, because your hand could be the hand that saves them. 

I must say "Thank You" to those who stood by me, and especially to my husband, Terry for showing me what true love is. 

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.