Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We Bleed Blue

Although the Cowboys game was extremely disapointing this week...
...Cowboy Blue and Silver still runs through our veins.

There are certain rituals that take place on Game Day at our house.  Terry breaks out the old football crock pot and cooks a pot of chili cheese dip.  The corn chip bag is ripped right down the center for all day munching purposes.  Our tv is tuned into the pre-pre game show, the pre-game show, and then the game.  It's all day football coverage.  Right before the game, we change into our jerseys and get ready to yell, cheer, holler, and throw things at the tv.  My mom actually drove up one day last fall, the windows were all open because the weather was beautiful.  She opened our front door with wide eyes and asked, "Are ya'll fighting?"  "Nope, We're just watching the Cowboy Game." 

Now, in the six years I have known Terry there are only a handful of games that we have not watched together.  We are always right there watching together.

The Cowboy blood is passed on to our children too.  I thought I would share Cameron's first story of his fourth grade year with you...

My class and I went to the new Cowboys Stadium for a tour.  It was a long drive there, but it was the best day ever!

First, we went to the locker rooms, where we got an autograph.  We got to see the new player Dez Bryant.

Next, we got to play football on the field.  We played with a football that the Cowboys actually used in the N.F.L.

Tony Romo bought lunch for us.  I bet no one will believe that.

I thought we were going to be the only people there; well I was wrong.  People started crowding in at 1:00 pm, and it was hard to get around in the stadium.  Finally, they left.  What a relief!

Then, Tony Romo threw a pass, and I caught it.  I made a touchdown while the class tried to tackle me.  I ran four laps around the field.  I was really tired, so I sat in the stands for a little bit.

After that, the Cowboys gave us a jersey.  I got Tony Romo's jersey, and wore it all day.

We then had pizza for a snack at 3:00 pm.

The stadium had a swimming pool, so we all went swimming.  I jumped off the diving board and did a back flip into the pool.

After swimming, the Cowboys showed us some plays they use during football games.  We also did some stretches.

Did you know the stadium has a big screen t.v. that is 80 yards?  When it's sunny they can open the roof.  That's pretty cool!  The stadium holds over 100,000 people.  It's right next to the Rangers Ball Park, Six Flags over Texas, and Hurricane Harbor.  There are also big screen t.v.'s on the outside of the stadium.  It's the largest stadium in America!  There is a statue of Tom Landry outside the stadium.  He was the Cowboys first head coach.

My mom and dad went to the stadium to watch a bull riding contest.  The bull rider that won got 100,000,000 dollars.  He rode a bull named Code Blue.  They got to go down on the floor of the stadium and watch a concert.  They also have boxing matches there.

Jerry Jones owns the stadium and the Cowboys.  Maybe one day he'll pay me to play for the Cowboys.  The 2011 Super Bowl is in Cowboy Stadium.  I just hope that the Cowboys are playing and I am watching.

Pretty good story and it's most definately A+ work. 

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doing it Townley Style.

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