Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fancy Livin

You can take the girl out of the country...
...But you can't take the country out of the girl.

And that's a fact, Jack!  Especially for this country girl. 

The old saying became obvious when I first learned of the Medical Staff Holiday Party that I was to attend.  My first mission was to find an after five dress.  This is probably an easy task if you are 5'10 and 112 pounds.  But I am a little shorter than that and let's just say I'm not 112 pounds.  Then once you get past that obstacle, there is another to deal with...BOOBS.  It is not easy finding a dress that covers those things.  So let me add to the "5'10, 112 pounds" obstacle.  It's "5'10, 112 pounds, and a perky C Cup."  Now when we first walked in the store, Terry picked out a dress.  I passed it up, because I was trying to be real cheap.  I tried quite a few on, and nothing.  Again, Terry says, "What about that one" as he pointed to the one he chose in the first place.  I grabbed it, tried it on, and decided yep that one will work.   

Next mission finding the appropriate undergarments.  Also, not an easy task.  Strapless bras are not meant for extremely curvy women.  In fact, I was in the dressing room trying one on, and decided in order to determine if it would work I must also put the dress on.  Standing there in front of the mirror, in my skivvies I turn to grab my dress, and flop...My boobs fall out of the strapless bra, which rolls down to my waist, and I am just thanking God I was the only person in the dressing room at the time.  Needless to say, I did not make that purchase. 

Back to the saying, it is even more true for country boys.  Terry would have gone with me, but five star dining at the Fort Worth Club, dancing to Emerald City, and cocktails under elegant chandeliers is not quite his thing.  If it were a bbq in a barn, two stepping to John Conlee, and ice cold long necks that would have been a different story. 

So, what's a girl to do...Ask her daddy to go.  I mean how many girls get to get all fancied up and spend an evening with their daddy?  I was excited, and even though he was nervous I'm sure he was excited too. 

Daddy & Daughter

We had such a fun evening.  We laughed at the old white men with no rhythm who became stars on soul train while dancing to "Play that Funky Music White Boy".  The band was so energetic, and kept us singing and dancing in our chairs...while seated of course.  It did take us a couple tries to learn you must ask  for a splash of cherry when you request a vodka cherry sour.   Because, without that splash of cherry, it's a whole lotta sour.  We even figured out which of the five forks to use with each course of the meal.  A very special moment was dancing with my dad to Emerald City's version of Michael Buble's "Home".  He even says he can't wait until next year. 

This country girl & her daddy pulled off fancy livin' and had a great time doing so. 

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.

Monday, July 23, 2012

An All-Star Weekend

Over 600 miles on the road...
...And one fun-filled, exciting weekend.

We headed West Friday morning for our five hour drive...destination Lubbock.  Texas is one huge state that for sure; you drive for hours and never leave the Lone Star State.  Three cars and thirteen people, all headed to watch Brooke play in the invitational Texas 6-Man Coaches Association All Star Game which was held on Saturday at Lubbock Christian University.  Brooke had been in Lubbock since Monday meeting the coaches, other All Stars and getting ready for the East vs. West game.  Pretty exciting honor I think...being selected to represent Walnut Springs and play ball with some of the best basketball players across Texas. 

Well, after years of wearing Royal Blue on the court, Brooke represented the West wearing her white #5 on the front of a Red jersey.  And, even though it had been a while since her last basketball game, it didn't take but a half a second for Brooke to feel right at home on the court.  It also didn't take but a half a second for all of us in the stands to feel right at home cheering her on and trying to tactfully encourage the refs make the right calls.  There was quite a few of us there too (Brooke's biggest fans...Dad, Me, Colby, Cameron, Corey, Grandaddy, Mi-Mi, Memaw, Papaw, Aunt Teresa, Shelby, Mario and Desi) all dressed in our one of a kind, sapphire, All Star t-shirts, custom made to show our support. 

Brooke & her Coaches Representing the East-Side
It was a rough game.  The East girls had quite a bit of height and came out in attack mode.  A lot of the game looked more like arena football than it did a basketball game.  Brooke took a couple big hits which resulted in fouls, she gave a couple fouls, and put up 5 points for the East and her traveling fan club. Even though the West walked away with the victory, I think it was definitely an experience none of us will ever forget. 

Just part of the football, I mean basketball action
The All Star game might have been the highlight of the weekend, but it wasn't the only excitement going on in Lubbock, Texas.  Friday an electrical transformer blew up, knocking out electricity for half of Lubbock.  Apparently, Dad and I were sleeping pretty heavily, because we were the only ones who slept right through the "Big Boom", the sirens, and the heat.  This power outage, caused a city-wide "Don't drink the water - Boil notice".  This boil notice came after the men of the house had drank a pot of coffee, and several of us girls had brushed our teeth.  Eeek!  Our plans to cook a big breakfast before the game went downhill pretty fast too.   You can't make pancakes without water. 

After the All Star game on Saturday, we decided to try our skills at Indoor Cosmic Golf, Scallywag Laser Tag, and Lubbock's Fastest Go-Carts at Dave's Need 4 Speed.  We all played a pretty good game of mini-golf, but we should have known better than taking Mario, a Walnut Springs Golfing Pro with us.  Dad and Grandaddy did give him a run for his money though. 

Cosmic Golf & Scallywag Laser Tag
 After 18 holes of golf, we headed over to the Scallywag Laser Tag.  We were issued our guns, issued the rules, and scrambled in to find the best hiding place where we could get the most hits.  We were scattered throughout the barrels and crates, on top of the pirate ship, inside the pirate ship, and hidden in the dark corners.  The music came on and it was a free-for-all, we all became top-knotch marksmen, diving from one barrel to the next, ducking the laser fire from what used to be our family - they were now our sworn enemies, and we fired shots like expert snipers from the top and windows of the ship.  The music stopped, the game ended, and we proudly strutted out of the battle zone with sweat beads on our foreheads and a little-bit winded.  When it was all over, Mario mentioned to us the number one rule, which was posted on the walls and expressed to us before we ever got started....Absolutely No Running....That rule was broken as soon as the game started and broken by all of us.

Our next adventure, the go-carts....Cameron and Corey took their place in line at the road course.  This was the first time, they were both able to drive by themselves.  As soon as Corey took that step down onto the track, his game face was on.  His smile turned into a serious look of determination.  Cameron's laid back personality never missed a beat.  Cool and calm he strolled to his go-cart.  The race was on.  Corey in first place, knuckles white from the grip on the steering wheel, and Cameron cruising around the track like it was a Sunday drive in the country.

The rest of us, couldn't hardly wait to get over to the Sprint Kart, oval track with 2-ft. banked turns and get behind the wheel of the winged, Outlaw-style Sprint cars.  Doesn't that sound mean?  The light turned green and we were all professional drivers ready to make the big bucks.  Dad and Grandaddy ran wide open on the slick track, which ended up causing them both to spin out.  I think they might have done that on purpose though.  They of course wanted to win, but spinning out is a lot of fun too.  The light changed to red and the race ended, and we climbed out of the car fully expecting a call from Dale Jr. asking us to drive for him. 

I absolutely love watching Brooke play ball, and I am wishin' she had many, many more years of basketball.  I guess we have to let them grow up sometime.  For sure a great weekend filled with wonderful memories I will always cherish.

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Graduation Day

When you have your day planned almost down to the second…
…How is it that those plans always get tossed out the window of a speeding car?

The last two weeks were so busy for us with Elementary Awards, Spring Fling, High School Awards, Eighth Grade Promotion, and High School Graduation.  Not to mention work and the regular day to day life of a family of seven.  Oh and throw in the 2012-2013 Freshman class over for hot dogs and the BBQ after Brooke’s graduation.  

The down to the second planning started Thursday – the day Colby would move from Junior High to High School.  I left work with just enough time to get home and decorate the homemade “Fish” cake, get changed, get to the promotion ceremony, get back home and supervise (with the wonderful help of dad) quite a few 13-16 year olds.  
I would say that all went pretty smooth, others within the house might argue with me on that though.  They might say, the "Fish" cake I decorated didn't go so smooth, and they might even go so far as to say that I should NOT become a cake decorator.  Everyone in the house took turns guessing what the "Fish" cake actually was.  Some said it looked like a turtle, another said a bird, I heard someone guess an airplane, got a dinosaur, dragon, and a shark.  Nobody said Fish.  Guess Cameron was pretty close with his Shark guess. 

The "Fish" cake
Some (my sweet hubby) might argue that the music situation during the Junior High to High School celebration party didn't go all that smooth either.  Let’s just say Terry and I and the kiddos taste in music is a little different.  We were good sports though and let them listen to the base-thumping, difficult to understand, rap blaring from our radio until the party ended.  Our apologies to our neighbors. 

Brooke leaving HS; Colby entering HS
Now, Friday, which was Graduation Day, was for sure, 100%, planned down to the minute.  I knew what time I had to be where to get what I needed, accomplish what I had to get accomplished before the ceremony, and arrive at graduation early enough to get a good seat.  So much for plans.  My busy but going to be smooth day, turned into what seemed like a frantic race against time pretty much as soon as my feet hit the floor.   

After partially decorating the back porch, partially decorating Brooke’s table, and partially decorating the auditorium stage, I was headed to Stephenville with Teresa and Shelby to pick up the cake (only an hour and half off schedule).  Once again, my hubby saved the day.  He finished decorating the back porch with the thirty-five metallic, spiral streamers I just had to have.  Brooke put the final touches on her table, and helped me escape the stage decorating (we just about had it finished anyway). 

A quick trip to Wal-Mart to pick up the some last minute items.  I'm a speed-shopper, by the way.  Nope, not this time - speed shopper or not.  A quick trip into the store doesn’t happen in Stephenville, Texas when it is their graduation as well, and everyone in the store is taking their own sweet time while chit-chatting in the aisles.  I grab my last minute purchases and continue the search for a solid, royal blue tie.  I had been looking for a couple weeks.  Not sky blue, not blue with stripes, not paisley, not baby blue – A solid, royal blue tie.  Finally, a dark blue tie is located, purchased, and it will blend with Terry’s shirt.  

We grab the cake and head back home through Glen Rose.  Here, I must apologize to Shelby.  She was very carefully holding Brooke’s cake, which stood about a foot tall, and was able to keep it safe despite my quick stops and erratic turns.  I’m starting to breathe sighs of relief, thinking we are on the way home now just two and half hours behind schedule – no worries right? Wrong.  Teresa heads in to pick up her dry cleaning.  Guess what, they have no record of dry cleaning for that name.  They search a little longer, and finally find the jacket Teresa is going to wear to graduation that night under the name Melissa Townley.  This seemed a little strange to me, since I have never been to that dry cleaner before.  

While waiting at the cleaners, I realize I forgot a couple things at Wal-Mart, and think to myself I had better check to see if Brooke was able to pick up the roses from the flower shop.  She was extremely busy too, so I add "Pick up Roses" to my list of things to do on the way home.  Last stop, Twisted Twig, and guess what happens there.  The flower shops computer goes down, right smack in the middle of running my card with no way of knowing if payment actually went through.   So we wait, a bucket of twenty-five, long-stem, coral roses in my hand, yesterday’s make-up on my face, and wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants, and only a couple hours until graduation.  Finally, computer is back up, I am all paid, and we are back on the road. 

Now, whoever was on the road behind us must have thought they were walking down the wedding aisle.  The roses still had the mother petals intact, the two petals on the outside of the rose that protect the flower.  Teresa begins pulling all 50 mother petals off the roses and tosses them out the car window.  In my rear view, I see beautiful coral rose petals flying through the air and landing on Highway 144.  

We get home, unload the car (I could have used a bus with all the stuff I had piled on top of all of us and in the trunk), run Teresa and Shelby back home, and pull in to the house to find my hubby and the boys watching “How to tie a tie” videos on youtube.  They continue to watch video after video with true Redneck Commentary about the sissy lookin’ dork that don’t know how to give good instructions on tying ties.  After a few videos, I am back on the road, with Colby, tie in hand and searching for Papaw – who knows how to tie a tie.  We don’t find Papaw, but with the help of Teresa and Shelby, Colby’s neck, and me, we figure it out.  I couldn't have survived the day without Teresa and Shelbs!!

Once again, I am back home, an hour away from graduation and just then jumping in the shower.  I know Brooke was glad I cleaned up, I sure wouldn’t have wanted to embarrass her by my lovely appearance.  With the evenings events fast approaching, and some time by myself, I began reflecting about the graduation ceremony that was going to take place that night.   That was all it took, a few moments without rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off, and I was standing there, all emotional, staring into the bathroom mirror crying.  How was I supposed to put make up on when I couldn’t get the tears to stop?  I did get it done, and we made it to graduation.

After the tie, the roses, the ceremony & the tears

Brooke gracefully took her place on stage with the other graduates.  She stood in front of a packed auditorium, and gave the most sincere speech.  Again, tears were streaming down my face.  Her daddy presented her with her high school diploma.  More tears.  The 2012 Walnut Springs graduating class stood together one last time on the steps of the stage.  This meant more tears for me.  The ceremony was over.  We hurried to the gym to say our “Congrats”, which of course meant more tears.  Just like that, the planning, the preparing, the four years of high school, the time in junior high and elementary school, the homecomings, the proms, the Friday night football games, all of the preparing for this one evening came to a screeching halt.  This chapter is over and another page is turned.  I am sure the next chapter in Brooke’s life will be just as adventuresome.  

Brooke receiving her diploma from her daddy
I know we still have three boys at home, who are 110% involved in everything they can be, so there will never be a dull moment around the Townley house.  I also know that just like Brooke, we will close our eyes one night, wake up the next morning, and we will be planning another graduation.  

It was an emotional week that's for sure. 

Until next time…
…We’re gonna keep on doin’ it Townley Style.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Book of Life

As each day passes....
...A new page turns.

It seems like the past two weeks have been chocked full of change, but it is only a peak into what is to come.  Maybe the special moments that will forever be dear to my heart are the reason the past couple of weeks have made Brooke's upcoming graduation from high school seem so real.  Now, Graduation has been in the back of our minds all year, but it is quickly racing to the forefront.  I'm not so sure I am ready. 

The special moments in time have taken place this year...the last buzzer of the last basketball game, the last step across the finish line of the last track meet, but a simple question which led into a day of spending time together might be one of my most cherished moments.  (I did say one, there are so many).

I was headed home from work and Brooke asks if I would check on the new nail salon in Granbury.  She wanted to get a mani/pedi before senior pictures.  Totally unexpected, she melted my heart with her next question, "Do you want to go with me?"  For those of you with teenage daughters who are very busy with school, work, and friends, a simple request like this one means the world to you - I know it did me.  So Brooke and I spent all day Saturday together getting our nails and toes done. Our fun didn't end there, we headed to Lone Star Hair Studio next, and filled the rest of our afternoon with some fun beauty shop gossiping with the one and only Mandy O'Hearn. 

Senior pictures was next on our to do list that Saturday.  Lisa Blevins Photography was an amazing choice.  We met Lisa in Stephenville and headed down to the city park.  The cloudy sky threatened us with rain throughout the entire photo shoot.  The wind gusts were almost non-stop, but that didn't stop Lisa.  She shot picture after picture, and then took us down to the Stephenville Museum.  A trunk full of clothes and around two hours later we said our "Thank-you's" and waited patiently for the email saying proofs are up.  Which by the way they were ready super fast, and some of the best I have ever seen.  I'm a little partial, yes, but Lisa has a gift for photography.  The emotion and colors in her photographs are amazing.

Brooke Senior 2012

Back to the moments that I will cherish forever.  Simple moments.  This past weekend was prom.  Brooke was very busy getting everything ready, finding the perfect jewelry, getting her spray tan, and then another trip to Lone Star Hair Studio.  Before she headed out to the hair studio she needed to wash her hair.  Well, you can't take a shower if you have gotten a spray tan or you'll end up with streaks.  So here she comes shampoo in hand and asks if I'll wash her hair in the kitchen sink.  Again, that might be a simple moment, and might seem silly to some, but it was big to me.  Little moments are the ones that make the best memories. 

So, as we keep turning the pages of the book of life, a chapter in each of our lives is nearing its end.  It is definitely not the end of the book, there are many more chapters that have yet to be written.  I hope Brooke reads the chapters that talk about how I am so thankful she is my daughter over and over again.  (That's going to be in all of the chapter by the way)

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

An Amazing Journey

This season has been an exciting one...
...And it ended with a lot of emotion.

I really can't limit it to "This Season".  The past six years have been exciting.  Four high school basketball seasons and two junior high seasons.  But, the 2011-2012 Season has been one of the best. 

It's hard to believe that last night Brooke played her last High School basketball game.  I have been very lucky to be a part of her cheering section.  Even though it is from the sidelines I have shared her accomplishments, the joy, the tears, and can't begin to explain the amount of pride I have when I look at the person Brooke has become.

Junior Year

The Lady Hornets set records and kicked butt this year.  They finished the season in a tough, close Regional Quarterfinal game against a very athletic team from Santa Anna.  But when you are that far into the playoffs - all of the teams are good.  That's why they're there.  The Lady Hornets claimed the titles of Area and District Champions.  Had a 25-5 season, with a 22 game win streak, and two players were selected to take part in the All Star East vs. West game this summer.  Brooke is one of them!!  

This group of seniors played each game with heart and soul.  They shared their desire to win and their competitive spirit with each of their teammates, and that combination made for an amazing Basketball Family ~ The 2011-2012 Lady Hornets!

And although it was hard to see it come to an end...
...It has definitely been an amazing journey.  Good Luck next year Ladies. 

See you in Lubbock!

Until next time...
We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Dad

My Dad
By: Melissa Townley

You've stood there with a peaceful smile,
Calm and collective because that's your style.
In the shadows and behind the scenes,
Your hurting heart and tears were never seen.
An hour drive for a quick hello;
I love you through the car window.
Through difficult times and obstacles;
Even while facing unwinnable battles.
Your peace didn't budge, your spirit never wavered,
The love and compassion you possess never altered.
Though I might not have realized it years ago,
But now,  it's your footsteps I hope to follow.
To be more like you would be such an honor
Because all of my life, you have been the best father.

Love you Dad

Friday, January 6, 2012

Peace Interrupted

On Tuesday, January 3, 2012, My Aunt and Uncle watched as volunteer firemen worked all night, putting out the flames that destroyed their home. 

Peace Interrupted
Dedicated to Dan & Kelly Olson

There was no warning, No sign that said beware.
The flames they were not picky, The fire, it did not care
That the home it was destroying
Was filled with thirty years of living
A life we built together, you, me,
The children - Our Family.
The walls, they crumbled. The roof, it fell,
Turning our home into a vision of Hell.
Now here we stand sifting through ashes
Soot on our hands and tears on our faces,
With hopes of finding something - anything
Left untouched by the flames that went raging
Through our home, and in every room.
The fire tried it's best to consume
Everything that stood in its path.
Each room of our home suffered its wrath.
But no matter how hot, no matter how strong
The flames could not take everything that belonged.
Our lives are only momentarily disrupted
By a beast that raged and peace interrupted.
We have each other and we have love,
We have hearts full of memories and help from above.
Those things, the fire could not steal,
And together, our pain will begin to heal.
We will rebuild, we will overcome
Our lives will not be left undone.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Live, Laugh & Love

So here is Part II... the Dr. Pepper IV STAT

Like I mentioned before, Melissa and I weren't very serious about the doctor visit the other day.  We laughed and joked the entire time she was getting the iron infusion.  You know the delightfully, tacky ladies who talk too much, laugh too loud, but you just can't help but keep listening to them and you try not to laugh because they are being obnoxious, but you just can't help yourself.  Yep, that's us.  But all laughing aside, I did take in the seriousness of those around me that day, and reflect on how we should be thankful for our gift of life.

The majority of the individuals in the infusion room were there for the same reason, chemotherapy.  A treatment for a disease we have all been personally affected by whether it is family, friends, or yourself.  While medicine has advanced and cancer is being treated and even cured, the disease continues to take the lives of the ones we love.

I watched and listened to those around me that day, and thought about how much of a person's life cancer steals.  It isn't just a couple of days trying to get over a cold.  Cancer consumes your life. 

One of the patients was there for chemo., and it apparently affected him worse than others there that day.  He sat there with his two companions he knew too well, the IV pole and a little blue bag for vomit.  Although, he continued to get sick in a room filled with strangers and acquaintances, he seemed to be in good spirits, and continued to tell the nurse, "Now that I got rid of that, I'll take that shot of whiskey."

Another man was there for what he thought would be a final follow-up visit with the doctor, he had taken his last chemotherapy treatment the week before.  He angrily accepted the truth, when he was told another round of treatment was needed the cancer was still there.

Sitting next to us, a elderly woman was waiting to visit with the doctor.  She was going to come back in for another round of chemo.  She was a spunky little lady, and was definately not allowing the disease take her spirit away.  They called her name, and she walked down the hall to hear her fate.  When she returned, I immediately noticed the tears.  As she wiped them away, she said, "I can't make my eyes stop."  And in the next second, through laughter, she told everyone around her news.  The cancer had not spread, her scans were good, her labs were good, and the cancer was responding to the treatment.  Her beautiful smile lit up the room as she told every nurse and every patient around her.  She laughed through the tears.  I found myself caught up with her news, and could feel the tears trying to show in my eyes.  I was laughing and wanting to cry with this complete stranger like I knew her for years.

Others walked in, appearing very healthy.  Some entered the infusion room for their first time, and their face - an expression of fear.  Another arrived in a wheelchair, it was obvious cancer had taken its toll on her.  Bald heads, spikey wigs, those just happy to be alive, and others longing for the end, many different types of people entered that room while were there, and it really got me thinking...

Life is precious, live it to the fullest, laugh often, and love those around you. 

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.