I am a big fan of Words with Friends on my iphone. The boys have watched me play and have now become fans themselves. They are constantly asking if it is my turn so they can play the next word.
Colby realized this weekend that hidden deep in the back of our hall closet there sat the board game Scrabble. He pulled it out and asked me to play. It didn't take very long for Cameron and Corey to come into the kitchen asking if they could play the next game.
Corey's patience wore thin, so he headed back to his room for some Madden, while Cameron sat back and quietly studied the game board. Although Colby was having fun playing Scrabble with his mom, heading to Wal-Mart with Brooke sounded more interesting to him. Our game was over.
Then Cameron sat down ready to play. I could hear Terry in the background, "You better watch out, Cameron is pretty smart. He might beat you." (Please remember Cameron is only 9 years old.) With a smirk on his face, Cameron played the first word...SERVE...on a double word square with a double letter square. Was it luck or should I have been nervous? Let me just tell you now, I should have been nervous.
I decided Cameron's word was just luck and since this WAS his first time playing and I have a knack for words, I would take it a little easy on the fella. WOAH, Big mistake on my part. Cameron was laying down words, totalling 20 points here, 24 points there, and so on. He watched the colored tiles and strategically placed his words on those tiles for more points. I had to step up my game, but it was too late. I was behind and there was no catching up for me. He beat me.
I know next time Cameron and I play, I have to pull out my big guns from the beginning unless I want to get beat by a 9 year old.
At one point during our game, Cameron hooked on to the letter "L" and played OL. Yes that's right LOL. (No LOL isn't technically a word that could be used while playing Scrabble.) I looked at Cameron and asked him, "What is that?" He gave me the "Are you serious, Mom?" look and said "L.O.L. - Laughing out Loud." No Cameron does not have a cell phone, and No he doesn't text, but he knows what LOL is?! I was LOL-ing.
Well, Cameron and I sure do have a Scrabble rematch coming up, and I am going to do my best to win one.
Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.