Friday, December 30, 2011

Dr. Pepper IV STAT

I'll take a Dr. Pepper IV STAT please...
...Or perhaps a little bit of iron will do the trick.

Part I:  So quite sometime ago, a friend and I went in to the Carter mobile unit to donate blood.  She didn't make it through the screening section - yep, that's right, she was a Carter Reject.  The told her she was anemic.  You know the drill, Dr visit here, draw blood, Dr visit there, draw blood, run this test, run that test.  It took a little while to figure out that what she needed was an iron infusion.
I made the journey with her, in case she needed a driver (which she did), and since neither one of us can take to many things serious we made a joke of the entire morning.  The IV bag looked like it was filled with Dr. Pepper.  Which is a great photo op.  So, after having the nurse position the IV pole just right to avoid glare from the window, she snapped a picture.  Then the BIG question..."Will this make me look like an oompa loompa?"  I'm not so sure the nurse knew quite what to think. 

Three and half hours later, the bag was finished, and it was time for us to head back to the office.  Out the door we went, everything appeared fine.  I jump in the passenger seat and Melissa to the driver's seat.  (Not thinking a thing about the bag of iron, bag of steroids, and benedryl injection she received)  It didn't even take a block for us to realize, I really should be doing the driving.  I don't know if it was the giggles, the don't give a crap feeling, the long gaze at the medical supply boutique, or the discussion of whether or not Melissa really stopped at the stop sign that made us realize she was in NO condition to drive. 

Of course, we switched seats and with me in the driver's seat, we made it safely back to the Ville. 

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wings to Take You Home

I went to visit you the other day
Even though it is just a grave.
I talked to you until the sun went away,
And the skies of blue began turning gray.
My thoughts, my words traveled above
Carried to Heaven on the wings of a dove.
Even though your home is in another place,
Every corner, every road I see your face.
It’s been a little while, but still seems untrue
I often wonder what am I to do?
In my mind you were never going to leave,
But you did, and I still don’t want to believe.
That the strongest woman I have ever known,
Was given wings to fly on home.

Friday, November 18, 2011

How do you get mad at that?

The little boys have an 8:30 bedtime....
...And that's just so they'll be asleep by midnight.

Maybe midnight is a slight exaggeration, but they will stay up as long they can think of excuses to keep those little eyes of their open.  They have to get a drink, another trip to the bathroom because the little sip of water was on a fast-track through their bodies, they forgot if they said, "Good-Night", they forgot if they gave everyone a hug, they always have to fight a little bit before falling asleep, but the best excuse for staying up later happened the other night.

They were watching a show with dad, and were totally involved in whatever it was they were watching.  So they asked if they could please stay up until it was over.  Dad gave in, but only if they went straight to bed and straight to sleep as soon as it was over. 

Nine o'clock rolls around and they quickly get up, say their good nights, and go right to bed.  It didn't take five minutes before I heard the commotion of two boys fighting coming from their bedroom.  I go in there with a stern look on my face, swing open their door and ask, "What is going on in here?"  Corey replies with, "Cameron is reading, so I hit him and told him to go to bed." 

Keep in mind their room is dark, with only a faint ray of light from the back porch light coming in through the window next to Cameron's bed.  Cameron peaks his head out from under his covers and looks at me with his big brown eyes.  I'm already thinking, I can't get on to him as much as I was going to because he IS reading, and reading IS a good thing.  Next to me, Corey is consistently reminding me that they were to go straight to bed and straight to sleep, but Cameron decided to read instead.  Sure was trying to get his brother in trouble. 

Here comes the real kicker though...Cameron pulls the book he was reading out from under the covers...He is holding his Bible.  He tells me, "I just wanted to read a couple verses before I went to bed."  So, any and all punishments flew right out the window right then and there.  How do you get mad at that? 

I ended up explaining to them, even though reading the Bible is wonderful, they still have to go to bed when we tell them to, and to Corey..."You don't hit your brother in the head when he is reading the Bible. 

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on Doin' it Townley Style.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Our Rock

The strongest woman I have ever known...
...Was given wings to fly on home.

Donnie Olson
July 18, 1935 - November 9, 2011

I have sat here for a couple hours typed my thoughts, deleted them, and then done it all over again.  Cameron was sitting beside me and asked, "Do you just keep deleting everything?"   
The only thing I come back to is, She was supposed to live forever. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Perfect Dress

It's funny how you walk into a store with an image of what you want in your mind...
...but you walk out with something totally different.

I'm not sure that guys have ever done that...perhaps it's a girl thing. 

Brooke spent several days searching online for what could possibly be the perfect Homecoming dress.  Short dresses, long dresses, royal blue dresses, animal print dresses, dresses that are strapless, dresses that flow, dresses that are sleek.  Fifteen websites and three-hundred dresses later - the only way to know which dress is the Perfect Dress is to try them all on.

Being female, we all know you can't shop by yourself - you MUST have the opinions of several different people, especially when shopping for the Perfect Dress.  Also being female, we all know men aren't the best shoppers, but that didn't matter this go around.  At Brooke's request, the men were going with us.  Two girls, two guys - one common mission.

We were off.  The first store lacked a little bit in options, so we didn't spend a lot of time there.  A little unsure of where we should head next, Dad said the words I'm sure Brooke was hoping to hear, "Want to go to Watchamacallit?"  For those with all boys or girls who are not quite at the prom homecoming age, Watchamacallit is a teenage girls dream shop. 

Brooke picked out several dresses and headed to the dressing room.  They were all beautiful, but nothing was screaming, "That's the one".  She tried the last one on, and was still trying to decide when all of a sudden a light shined through the ceiling and on a dress that was hanging on the dressing room door.  This one had to be the right size, because there was no other dress like it in the store.  I grabbed it off the door and Brooke and I begin looking for the tag to check the size.  Surprise, Surprise it was the right size. 

While Brooke was trying the dress the lady helping us with the dresses disappeared, only to come back with the most amazing pair of shoes in hand.  Once again, a light shined through the ceiling this time it was shining on the shoes.  It didn't take long for all of us to realize...

"That's the one - The Perfect Dress"

Mario let us know the dress was found in what he thought was record time - 2 1/2 hours.  And, after we left, I'm pretty sure Mario and Dad felt a strong urge to go do something manly like heading out to some land somewhere to shoot something or belching the alphabet while watching football with the guys. 

Brooke was beautiful in the Perfect dress, standing on the football field, Homecoming Evening.

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

On My Way

Headed to a hospital near you...
...this coming Wednesday!

It is so hard to believe that clinicals are about to begin.  Hospital orientation is Wednesday and then the week after that I will be on the floor for my rotation.  There really should be a word for the mixed emotions I am feeling.  Maybe someone should give Mr. Webster a call. 

Since clinicals are starting that only means one thing...I am one step closer to RN.  Just four semesters.  Isn't that crazy?  In four semesters I will be a registered nurse, I will be working on my bachelors at UTA, I will get to see my family again, and who knows what else. 

You think I'm kidding about seeing my family again?  Not kidding at all.  Between a full job, and being a full time student with classes in Arlington and clinicals in Ft. Worth, I rarely see my family.  After being on the road 4 hours a day, twice a week, I walk in the house say "Hi" and spend the rest of the evening with a book in my hand.  I use the lessons learned speach quite a bit with the kiddos..."This is why you go to college right after high school." 
Well, I'm thinking I took a long enough break and should be getting back to business.

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Time Keeps on Ticking

Another first day of school...
...has come on gone.

Cameron and Corey look pretty happy about the first day of school.  Colby on the other hand, not so much. 

Today was the first day of the last year of Brooke's High School life, the first day of the last year of Colby's Junior High life, and the first day of the last year of Cameron's Elementary School life.  Corey - his milestone year will be next year.

So I spent the day thinking about time and how fast the kiddos grow up.  Was it really eight years ago, when I walked out of Colby's kindergarten class with tears in my eyes?  What about Cameron, could it really be that five years have passed since I asked him, "How was your first day of kindergarten?"  I thought about Corey, and how I can still hold his little hand in mine, but in the blink of an eye he will be standing before me a man.  Then I thought about Brooke, she was a nine year old little girl when I met her.  Now she is a seventeen year old, beautiful young lady about to take on the last year of high school. 

The little boys didn't have a lot to report about their first day back in school.  Cameron said he spent the day getting organized.  Corey was pretty excited about the questions his class got to ask to his teacher.  It was a "Getting to Know You" kind of day for him.  Corey's favorite question for his teacher..."How old are you?" 

The first day back at school went pretty smooth for the kiddos, which is definately a good thing.

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Shut-up Nancy!

Turn left here, Make a U-Turn...
...You know that annoying voice that usually puts you in the wrong place.

My morning began on just two hours of sleep due to excessive homework and studying.  I had to be out of the house by 6:30 in order to get to Arlington for my scheduled check-off.  I grabbed breakfast, which was the same thing I had for dinner the night before...a package of Austin brand Toasty Crackers with Peanut Butter and ran out of the door.  Perfect...I not only would be there on time, but I was going to have a few moments to go over the check-off one last time.  Wouldn't it be nice if life worked as good while it is happening as it does in our heads? 

Halfway to Granbury, I realize I don't have my watch, an important piece of equipment in the check-off.  In a split second several things run through my mind as I pull to the side of the road and whip my car around...driving all the way home would make me late, I could borrow a classmates watch, but it's scheduled check-offs so there might not be anyone else there, if I am late the instructor could actually count it as a fail, three fails and your out, can't be out of the program, could call Terry who might grab my watch and head my direction with it, (quick glance at the clock and back to the thoughts flying through my head) Terry could already be at work, Terry might be gripey, can't be late, awe heck just call Terry.  Well, I did, he was not gripey, and he met me on the road between the house and Glen Rose with my watch.  Lifesaver!

That turning around did take about 20 minutes of the clock, which was cutting it pretty close, but getting to Arlington on time was still possible.  That was until the flat bed truck in front of me started losing tools off the back of his truck.  So there I was dodging a large combination square at 70 mph, hoping it didn't hit my car and feeling sorry for him when he go to the job site.  I needed to get around him, but it wasn't gonna happen.  For fear of getting hit by a table saw I slowed down to a crawl.  Yes 55 - 60 feels like you're crawling when you have to be somewhere by a certain time.

Now, I know which roads to take, which exits to use, so I didn't need the navigator, but Nancy, the navigator, has that neat little feature that shows your arrival time, and she is always right on the money.  (The kiddos named the voice Nancy, but my husband usually calls her something else)  I reach over, turn Nancy on and she shows my arrival time to be 8:49.  That is 19 minutes late! 

By this time, I am out of the country and in traffic, on the phone with my instructor, and going over the steps of my check-off.  Yes, I was going through the steps out loud, and yes, other drivers were most likely wondering, "What in the heck is wrong with that girl?".

My lack of sleep, hunger, test anxiety, and stress got the best of me.  I could see far enough ahead to know there were no cops, so I decided I could go a little bit faster, ya know just to get through the traffic.  Before I knew it, Nancy is yelling "CAUTION".  She yells that when your speed is 10 miles over the posted limit.  I am a multi-tasker, but even I couldn't keep my eyes on the road, drive a little bit faster than I should, fight traffic, go over my check-off, and turn Nancy's volume off at the same time.  Come on, It just wouldn't be safe if I did all of that. 

So, every few seconds, I hear, "CAUTION".  I slow down just a tad, but speed right back again.  There she is again, "CAUTION"  I repeat the slow down - speed up. "CAUTION", "CAUTION", "CAUTION"  Like I mentioned before, my lack of sleep, hunger, test anxiety, and stress got the best of me, and I holler out, "SHUT UP NANCY!"

She just replied, "CAUTION"

In case you were wondering...I was 15 minutes late, Ms. Todd did let me check-off, and Yep, I passed first attempt.  We'll see how next week goes.

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Nine Year Celebration

It's hard to believe how fast time passes...
...Our baby boy turned Nine.

Corey woke up to find a "Happy Birthday, Love Dad" note Terry left on the counter before he headed off to work.  Corey thought it was pretty special because when I got home that was the first thing he told me.  And when Cameron said, "I was the first to wish you Happy Birthday," Corey quickly responded, "Nu-uh, Dad was, He left me a note!"

I spent the majority of Corey's birthday running around and getting things together for his birthday party that evening.  A quick run to Stephenville followed by a quick run to Cleburne.  Yep, two different towns - two different directions....some of the joys of living in the sticks. 

We planned on having grilled hot dogs at 7.  Which was way too long for Corey to wait.  His excitement increased throughout the day, while his patience decreased.  He could hardly wait for everyone to get to the house.  Once they got here, he could barely wait for everyone to get finished eating dinner.  I think he ate his hot dog in one bite, and was asking, "Are you done?"  He even cleaned up everyone's plates in hopes of of speeding up the process.  Finally, we were all was finished and it was the moment he had been waiting for...time to open presents.

He got everything he was wanting.  A Dale Jr. beach towel (which he says he is hiding from Dad), a watergun, new swim shorts, an electronic light saber with batteries, Mario Galaxy for Wii, one size fits all - Cash, and a bright green bicycle.  He could barely decide what to do first, shoot someone with watergun, ride his bike, head to the room to play videogames, run outside in the dark to see his light saber glow, or jump in the pool so he could dry off with his new towel.  He did squeeze in a quick, "Will you put this money up, so we can go to the store," and then I'm pretty sure he did everything within ten minutes and then repeated his list.

When he got settled down, he threw his arms around our necks, and said he had a Great Birthday!  Makes your heart happy.  I am very greatful our family was here to help make Corey's birthday Great! 

This birthday marked the last year of the single digits for Corey.  Next year he hits the doubles. Milestones....10, 13, 16...time just keeps on flying by.

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I woke up yesterday morning... the beginning of a new year.

Yep that's right, it was my birthday, and my day was full of surprises!  From a beautiful, fresh bouquet of summer flowers to Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush lip gloss (8 tubes of it) to Blingy, Oversized sunglasses to sweet smelling Sexy Little Things Love Me perfume and lotion (another Victoria's Secret Special), to MORE Beauty Rush lip gloss and makeup...(Love that girl, Vickie and her store)!  A Very Big Thank-You to Dad and Kelly; Mom and Rick; and the fabulous Queens of Quality.  By the way, I am thinking all of that lip gloss will last me approximately 5-6 months.  Although, certain individuals might argue with that statement.  Actually, I think they have placed some bets on how long it will last me.

Terry had to have been a pretty busy fella yesterday afternoon with all of his birthday planning he was doing.  When I got home, I walked up to the house and could smell the sweet aroma of a freshly baked cake, so I knew Terry had been doing some baking after he got off work.  However, I was instructed to go immediately to the room and wait.  A few minutes passed and he told me I could come out. There stood Corey, holding the cake, Terry, Tillman, Brooke, Colby and Cameron.  They all busted out in song...  "Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Ma, Happy Birthday to you."  Terry had definitely been doing some baking.  The kitchen counter was filled with Terry's Famous Burritos, Homemade Rice and Beans and the yummy chocolate cake decorated with colorful marshmallows. 

My birthday was FOR SURE a day of surprises, and I love them all!

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


From just about sun-up to sun-down...
...the swimming pool was where the boys spent their time.

Seth, my nephew, spent the weekend with us.  We don't get to see him as often as we used to, so it was great getting to spend some time with him.

The boys, well Seth and Corey spent every evening this week with Memaw, Papaw, Aunt Teresa and their cousin Shelby, at Vacation Bible School in Morgan.  Cameron joined them on Thursday and Friday nights, when he got back from camp.  I have been told they had a baby goat, chickens, and all kinds of crafts during VBS.

Since Friday evening was the last night, it lasted a little bit longer than the other nights.  That sure didn't slow the boys down any.  They busted through the front door sometime after 9 that night, all three of them talking at once.  I don't know if they were all just so excited Seth was staying or if it was all the sugar they had been eating; my guess is, it was a little of both.  They eventually settled down enough for Terry and I to rustle them into the bedroom and get the Netflix streaming.  After a few moments of quiteness coming from the bedroom, we felt it was safe to go on to bed. 

I'm not sure what time the boys went to sleep, but they didn't wake up until just a little after 10 the next morning.  I still haven't told them they slept right through Grandaddy and Mi-Mi's visit. 

Seth and Corey woke up with just about the same excitement as they had the night before.  I saw a streak come from the bedroom, right out the back door and straight into the swimming pool.  I finished up the little bit of cleaning I was doing and decided those boys had the right idea.  I joined them for a day-long swim.

The boys would get out just long enough to get a snack, and they went right back to swimming.  We spent the day floating toy boats across the water, sinking plastic army men and then swimming to the bottom to rescue them.  Seth even got to meet the frog that lives in our rock waterfall. 

We finished our evening off with watermelon and ice cream cones.  I think the watermelon was a big hit with Seth, because when Uncle Terry got it out of the fridge, Seth grinned a big ole grin and said, "I'm in a good mood for Watermelon!" 

I had plans of meeting my sister Sunday after church, but Seth ended up hitching a ride with Grandma.  I'm hoping he had as much fun as we did this weekend.

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

One Long Week for Mom; One Great Time for Cameron

Holding back the tears...
...I gave Cameron a hug and said "Good-Bye".

It wasn't like he was going away for a long time, it was only four days.  This four days happened to be the first time any of the boys had gone to camp, the first time any of the boys would be gone for longer than a day or two, and the first time any of the boys didn't have dad, me, a grandparent or aunt with them.  Cameron was on his own.  I guess, not exactly on his own.  He had his best friend, Hunter, Clay the boys' camp sponsor and eight girls and their camp sponsors traveling with them for the week.  Still...this four days was the longest of my life.

The church van left out on Sunday afternoon, so Cameron and I spent the morning packing his suitcase.  I'm sure I overpacked, but he needed clothes for four days plus an extra set, swim wear, flip flops, tennis shoes, sheets, covers, towels, pillows, band-aids, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, money, mine and dad's phone numbers, ink pens, and his Bible.  We got all of that in one, very large suitcase. 

When we pulled up to the church to drop him off, I could already feel the lump in my throat.  He was so excited, and I couldn't dare let him or any of the other parents see that at any moment I could possibly turn into the bawling crybaby.  I kept telling myself, It is only until Thursday morning.  He will be fine.  I knew he would have blast, but believe me it wasn't easy watching the van pull away.  (I'm guessing this is some foreshadowing of what is to come when they go off to college)

I got to work the next morning and learn I can see some pictures from camp through their website.  How awesome was that?  Technology sure is a great thing.  I opened the photo album, and sure enough there are pictures from Day I and some very good pictures of Cameron.  Of course, I shared the pictures with every person who walked by my office, and of course, I left the pictures up on my desktop so I could look at them every hour or so.  Alright, Alright - every few minutes.

Monday came and went, then Tuesday, Wednesday and finally Thursday was here.  Those four days seemed to drag on forever.  I was getting ready for work, when I got the phone call - the kiddos are back home and at the church.  I felt like a kid on Christmas morning.  I ran to my closet grabbed the closest pair of flip flops and ran to the car.  As I backed out of the driveway, I realized I have no make up on and my hair is half straight.  The other part of my hair is piled on top of my head in a clip because I wasn't quite finished with the flat iron.  What a sight. 

Now, the church is only a short four or five blocks away, but I am positive that I drove miles and miles at the top speed of 1 mph to get there.  Two blocks away from the church - the best feeling a mom could ever have...There stood Cameron on the edge of road next to the church van, his arm stretched as high as it would go and waving his hand back and forth.  The smile on his face reached from ear to ear.  He waved nonstop until I put the car in park.  From the moment I saw him standing there, tears filled my eyes.  There I was again, pulling myself together and wiping away the tears before I got out to say "Welcome Back". 

Cameron had a blast at camp.  He had so much fun, he no longer had a voice.  Cameron gave me a hug and in a raspy voice said, "Hello."  He said, he cheered and hollered so much he actually lost his voice on the first day of camp.  The kids were given four Bible verses to learn, and Cameron learned all four of the verses on the first night.  He slid down a 100 foot water slide into the camp swimming hole, took a 300 foot zip line through the park, and shot Clay, their sponsor, with paintballs at the camp paintball field.  Cameron and Hunter, the only two boys from Walnut who went to camp this year, were given the Cleanest Cabin Award.  Out of the 550 kids at the Next Level Kids Camp, Cameron and Hunter kept their cabin the cleanest throughout the week.  I'm thinking this type of behavior should carry on to Cameron's bedroom.  (I won't hold my breath.)  On the last night of camp, Cameron and Hunter got take part in the pizza party since they memorized all of their memory verses. 

Memories to last a lifetime.  The smile on Cameron's face, the excitement in his voice when he shared all of his experiences at camp are well worth the tears on a momma's face as she watches her kiddos grow up right before her eyes.

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Didn't Know My Own Strength

"Education is when you read the fine print...
...Experience is what you get if you don't." - Lydia M. Child

That quote just about sums up my spring semester.

I had taken all I could at Hill and was needing to transfer to El Centro College right smack in the middle of downtown Dallas, to take HPRS basically an Intro. to Nursing Course.  You see THR (my employer) has a contract with El Centro, so the actual Nursing Program is completed there.  A 5 hour Saturday class, 3 hour round trip drive through traffic (and those Dallas drivers are crazy) was definately something I was NOT looking forward to, but I put my big girl boots on and got through it.

I read my medical terminology book and learned the difference between Sporotrichosis and Paronychia....the fine print....BUT I didn't know the experiences I would gain from the lab portion of this course...

There were three pass/fail checkoffs during this semester.  Pass/Fail meaning you fail the checkoff, you fail the class.  No ifs, ands or buts about it. 

The first checkoff...Vital Signs, temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate and blood pressure.  Easy enough. Checkoff Passed. 

The second checkoff...Wound Care.  This is a sterile procedure.  It isn't a "rub some dirt in it, slap on a band-aid," procedure.  By the way that works with kids.  There are several steps to maintaining a sterile field.  Enough steps, that the first five individuals failed their first try (we were given three chances to pass).  In I go and out I come - Checkoff Passed first try.

The third and last checkoff...Catheterization.  Now for the true experience.  I headed to class knowing that several students still needed to work on the first two checkoffs, so I wasn't mentally prepared to attempt catheterization.  In walks the teacher with the sign-up sheet, so I figured what the heck, might as well give it a try.  Unfortuneately, my nerves didn't feel the same way.  I walked in to the lab with uncontrollable red splotches on my neck, legs weak, knees knocking, and hands shaking.  I had decided the checkoff would be easier performed on a male mannequin since there is something to hold onto, but I didn't know the part wasn't secure.  I prepared the patient, the room and supplies, reached over with trembling hands and took ahold of the man part.  BUT the man part came right off in my hand.  I let out a holler and looked at the instructor with huge eyes, mouth wide open and a rubber penis in my hand.  I had two options, I could stop the procedure and try again next week or I could continue with a detached member.  I decided to keep on truckin'.  Good thing I did, because I passed that round of checkoffs - first try.

So most definately, as Lydia M. Child said, "the Experiences are what you learn the most from". 

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.

Monday, February 7, 2011

For God so Loved the World

Several months ago, the youth leader knocked on our door to share with us some exciting news...
...Corey had talked to him about asking Jesus to come into his heart.

Corey seemed to understand what it meant, that Jesus died on the cross for everyone's sins, and he wanted to be part of it.  The next step...Baptism. 

Now, Corey, my daring child, who shows no fear at most anything, has an extremely shy side.  He doesn't like change much, so walking down to the front of the chuch during the invocation was not something he was ready for.  He wanted to be Baptised; he just wanted the gettin there part to be well, behind the scenes.

So for the last several months, when services were over, Corey would ask me very quietly, "Momma, when am I going to get Baptized?"  I would again explain to him the process of walking down during church service when Brother Jason asks for anyone to come.  He would quickly repond by shaking his head and saying, "No, I don't want to do that." 

I guess Corey had really been thinking about all of it because, well, this past Sunday was different.  The preacherman had finished his sermon and stepped down from the pulpit.  Soft piano and organ music was playing in the background.  Everyone's heads were bowed.  The congregation stood quietly, as people listened to Jason's inviting words.  The church was calm, except for a fidgity 8 year old who was standing right beside me.  I hear a very loud, youthful whisper, "Mom, MOMMM!"  I quickly responded in the motherly fashion, "SSHH!" and shot Corey the "This is NOT the time to be making noise look."   He sure didn't listen to me and continued to whisper, only this time just a little bit louder, "MOM!  I've got to go."  I soon realized what he meant and together we made our way down the church aisle and up to the preacher. 

Corey was filled with nervous, excitement that Jason barely got down to Corey's level before Corey was saying, "I wanna be Baptized." 

A big step for a shy little fella and a proud mom.  Corey will be baptized next Sunday.

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.

Monday, January 17, 2011

One Word 24 Points

I am a big fan of Words with Friends on my iphone.  The boys have watched me play and have now become fans themselves.  They are constantly asking if it is my turn so they can play the next word. 

Colby realized this weekend that hidden deep in the back of our hall closet there sat the board game Scrabble.  He pulled it out and asked me to play.  It didn't take very long for Cameron and Corey to come into the kitchen asking if they could play the next game.

Corey's patience wore thin, so he headed back to his room for some Madden, while Cameron sat back and quietly studied the game board.  Although Colby was having fun playing Scrabble with his mom, heading to Wal-Mart with Brooke sounded more interesting to him.  Our game was over. 

Then Cameron sat down ready to play.    I could hear Terry in the background, "You better watch out, Cameron is pretty smart.  He might beat you."  (Please remember Cameron is only 9 years old.)  With a smirk on his face, Cameron played the first word...SERVE...on a double word square with a double letter square.  Was it luck or should I have been nervous?  Let me just tell you now, I should have been nervous. 

I decided Cameron's word was just luck and since this WAS his first time playing and I have a knack for words, I would take it a little easy on the fella.  WOAH, Big mistake on my part.  Cameron was laying down words, totalling 20 points here, 24 points there, and so on.  He watched the colored tiles and strategically placed his words on those tiles for more points.  I had to step up my game, but it was too late.  I was behind and there was no catching up for me.  He beat me.

I know next time Cameron and I play, I have to pull out my big guns from the beginning unless I want to get beat by a 9 year old. 

At one point during our game, Cameron hooked on to the letter "L" and played OL.  Yes that's right LOL.  (No LOL isn't technically a word that could be used while playing Scrabble.)  I looked at Cameron and asked him, "What is that?"  He gave me the "Are you serious, Mom?" look and said "L.O.L. - Laughing out Loud."  No Cameron does not have a cell phone, and No he doesn't text, but he knows what LOL is?!  I was LOL-ing. 

Well, Cameron and I sure do have a Scrabble rematch coming up, and I am going to do my best to win one.

Until next time...
...We're gonna keep on doin' it Townley Style.